
@Dichterliebe how are you now?


@Dichterliebe I miss my old school and my friends. One of them cried the entirety of the last day of school party because she found out I was leaving and no one could console her, and another one, while not very good at English as he is Korean, tried to convince me to stay and I found out from my mom how he was telling his mom how sad he was that I am leaving. There are so many other good ones, like how one of them literally yelled at someone for trying to exclude me, but now I am no longer with these people and have people who don’t care at all and don’t want me for group work. Some even say bad things, like when someone suggested pairing me and this guy together and someone whispered “the two brain dead”.


@Dichterliebe not the best either, I moved schools after making some really close friends. it’s a chinese school, and because of the culture, everyone is very reserved and I feel all
          	  alone again


@VulcanTheStinkbug Not really better. But thank you for asking.
          	  How are you?


@Dichterliebe how are you now?


@Dichterliebe I miss my old school and my friends. One of them cried the entirety of the last day of school party because she found out I was leaving and no one could console her, and another one, while not very good at English as he is Korean, tried to convince me to stay and I found out from my mom how he was telling his mom how sad he was that I am leaving. There are so many other good ones, like how one of them literally yelled at someone for trying to exclude me, but now I am no longer with these people and have people who don’t care at all and don’t want me for group work. Some even say bad things, like when someone suggested pairing me and this guy together and someone whispered “the two brain dead”.


@Dichterliebe not the best either, I moved schools after making some really close friends. it’s a chinese school, and because of the culture, everyone is very reserved and I feel all
            alone again


@VulcanTheStinkbug Not really better. But thank you for asking.
            How are you?


@Dichterliebe what happened


@VulcanTheStinkbug Thank you, it means a lot. I know I will get through this, but it'll take time and effort, and it's people who support me who help me keep going.
            I'll message you when I'm on that account again; I still have to answer a few messages on here.


@Dichterliebe You are smart and kind and important and valued exactly as you are, and no one should be able to tell you otherwise. Idk what your mother is talking about “fixing you” when I know so many people who would be glad to have such a sensible kid. You have a good head on your shoulders and can create a beautiful life for yourself, and at such a young age, you are already so skilled (I remember you can draw, do sports, and play instruments). And  to top it all off, you are one of the kindest people I’ve met who are capable of loving anybody. You are valuable, don’t let anyone   make you feel otherwise.


@Dichterliebe I am so sorry all that happened to you. I know you are strong, and you will get through this.


Should Vulcan start a Q & A?


Ok, Vulcan will soon


@VulcanTheStinkbug yes, so i can gang up on you with my twin on there


NOT RP: I just want to point out how awesome your roleplay bio is XD


@The1AndOnlyKei You're doing a great job! (and the fake flirting is hilarious)


@rafalandrhian NOT RP: Thank you! I really tried to get the Vulcan grammar right. I feel like I need to review the book though, because something's missing. The book has Vulcan be both charming and stupid at once, but I feel like I only got the stupid part right. Maybe (fake) flirting with (RP) Rhian will make it right?


*stabs Vulcan*


@Rhian_crazyboi While you will probably shortly revive since we are in this weird state of dead but alive and immortal I suppose, I just wanted to do that.