Personne ne t'aimera jamais comme moi, personne ne te regardera jamais comme je te regarde, vous ne remplirez jamais autant le cœur de personne que le mien, personne ne tombera jamais amoureux de toi autant que moi.
mon amour, je sais que tu m'aimes aussi, tu as besoin de moi, tu as besoin de moi dans ta vie, tu ne peux vivre sans moi, et je mourrais sans toi, je tuerais pour toi.
did i fucking born to delusion?
im too young to be so nostalgic,
ignore all my problems,
work on my future self,
and try to make everyone
independent of their coffee preferences,
i only like old things,
i can say i don't care,
but i've already written three poems about it.
"guess who we ran into at the shops? walking in circles like she was lost."
"didn't you hear? they called it all off."
one gasp and then, "how did it end?"