It took me a decade, but I finally finished the series that enchanted me so, oh long ago. The show that told me, that proved to me, that Autumn truly is the greatest season in only one season. As a child, I could never truly have appreciated it. With age I find my love for this amazing show can only grow. Through laughter and tears I love all the same.
Over The Garden Wall is one of, if not, the greatest shows of all time. It's beauty shall forever ring true through my writing as though it were a lantern that must never be put out.
I am now truly in the Halloween mood and with it comes a creative libido set into overdrive. I believe that now, yes now, is the time that I move on from the short and simple medium of a short story and move onto greater and grander things. A novel is what I shall write. It might not be perfect or right but it must shine a light onto the imaginative recesses of my mind.
"Readers beware, your in for a scare" -im sure you know who