Still alive folks.
Seems Lyme disease is what was ailing me. It was bad after having me at its mercy for 3 years. After the Doxycycline treatment which kills of the bacteria I have been left with Post Treatment Lyme Disease Syndrome (what many call Chronic Lyme Disease). What it means is I still get attacks of Lyme symptoms and they can be really disabling. It seems the Lyme as played hell with my nervous system, my muscles, joints and tendons and there are times when I can barely walk and the muscle spasms keep me in bed. BUT... I am writing when it allows. Using OwainGlyn's suggestion A Long And Winding Road, I am writing a story about a boy escaping war. I've completed 4 parts but not published any yet in case I get worse and can't complete it. Days, weeks can go by without me being up to writing, but maybe I will publish, one day.
Good luck and GOOD HEALLTH to you all.