Okay, so, here I am now.

I sure like you guys, have a real name in the real world, but, no. I decided to not reveal too much about me, and my name.

And so, about myself.

I am once a reader, passively supporting anyone's stories. And by passive means, I rate them, never had I critique or suggest anything. However, there shall be discord among readers and writers, but the discussion is always the resolve.

Sometimes, you have your heart aching, desires to critique and suggest your favorite writer. Actively supporting him/her/them! So, one day, I tried to give my opinion about the story I read.

However, such an unfortunate day had befallen to me, the grimoire master turned out to be a warlock with an arsenals of foul spells and cursed me with a magical enchantment, the dark magic crafted by the demon tyrant, which silence me and rob my spellcasting ability without any warning! But the satisfaction of silencing me was never a goal, unsatisfied with the silencing spell, the warlock summoned a black hole that banished me from the existence of his wicked and sacred land! Since then, I never saw that warlock again.

(TL;DR: I was muted and blocked lol).

And with that being said, I feel that day has been motivating me to become a writer myself.

I have not written one yet, but if the time comes, I shall upload it soon! Fell free to critique my work, suggest for better of my development in writing, and of course, make yourselves welcomed here.

FYI: Yes! I'm a weeb!
  • Deep Reef, Route 125, Mossdeep City, Hoenn
  • RegistriertJuly 20, 2021

Letzte Nachricht
WailmerLv69 WailmerLv69 Jul 11, 2023 11:43AM
ARGH! Another new story to make! Another story to discard!
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