
Again, I have moved my writing to the account @GoneBeforeSunrise. Please go follow me there if you'd like updates on stories, because it will no longer be happening from this page.


Attention all fans,
          I'm moving my writing talents to an entirely new wattpad account : GoneBeforeSunrise . This is because I had to take a long break from writing to help my mother because she was sick. Now that she's doing better I'd like a new start to my writing and I'll start there. So make sure you go "fan" or "follow" me at GoneBeforeSunrise and soon I'll post an update on there about upcoming stories. 


Nothing like a cast list of attractive males and strong female leads to inspire me to write! Expect the first chapter of Connatural up within the next couple days! It will probably be shorter than I want, and then I'm taking a two week hiatus and writing the next chapters which I'll be sure to add more length to!


@yummysushi : just wanted to make sure you specifically got news of my stories. Also, I was wondering if once I finished the first chapter of "Connatural" you'd like to read it before its published on wattpad? You could give me critique and comments and it'll be like a special treat for being such a great fan(: 


I'm doing a complete remodeling of my page.  I'm deleting all of the stories that are on the account. No, that doesn't mean they're going to disappear forever and never come back up - it just means I need time to figure out the direction of my stories and what I want to do with them.  In it's place there will only be one story posted.  And for now, it's just going to be a summary of the one I'm working on currently.  I'm sorry to those of you who are fans, and waiting for me to update stories.  I'm sure this will make me lose fans - but I hope not.  Please understand I'm trying to write to the best of my ability and the stories I've written in the past don't represent who I want to be as a writer.
          Thank you for your patience and continued support,