
I need some help, so I thought why not ask the many writers on this website. I am searching for someone to look over my outlines as I get them finished and also to make suggestions and comments on my drafts. I need someone who is blunt and not afraid to critique writing. Does anyone want to give it a shot? If so, please message me.


@Dee_oO Thanks! I need about a one and a half more weeks to finish the outline, maybe less. I will message you when I get done.


@WannabeAmateurWriter I could... That is if you want me to! Oh and thanks for the follow.


I need some help, so I thought why not ask the many writers on this website. I am searching for someone to look over my outlines as I get them finished and also to make suggestions and comments on my drafts. I need someone who is blunt and not afraid to critique writing. Does anyone want to give it a shot? If so, please message me.


@Dee_oO Thanks! I need about a one and a half more weeks to finish the outline, maybe less. I will message you when I get done.


@WannabeAmateurWriter I could... That is if you want me to! Oh and thanks for the follow.