
Hey WattFans!
          	Our delay in updating and staying active has been very bad!
          	We apologize!
          	We will be more active from now on.
          	Thanks for staying around!


To Subscribers:
          @_BatmanKitty_ @deinox @-Aqua_Storm- @C_R_A_Z_E_D @StormWindClan @The_Jade_Wolf @GigiTacoz123 @FoxfangTheGreat @Nightstorm1423 @Trinriri @miss_modest @-Toxic- @PrettyLittleWarriors @ThatCrazySeamstress @xXSplit_SkiesXx @Moon_Ink @midnightskittles @Marvel_lover2 @XxRouge_Of_CorruptxX @CleoDaNeo @CatGeeks @-EchoClan- @SandstormFan @Warriors_CAndMore @KrazyAlli @crayola32 @warriors010 @KittyGamerGlaceon11 @XPrincess_CelestiaX @Kwehtonix @CrazyCatAlchemist @chromeflame @TheRio_ @CyberShocked_Alex @X_Frisky_X @Wolfy_Cat @firestarbluestar @_WolfeyCat_ @WolfWhispers @WattyRoleplayers @Havenwing @InfinteDimensions @PandaGirlMC @cocowolf12 @-Renci- @The_Pony_Project @babe_power @NumeroDosi @Cyarynn @pinkie_is_crazy @Jayfeatherislife @Tweetybird06 @Orcawave360 @how-super-natural @WattyFanKindom
          Thanks so much for following us!
          We appreciate every single subscription/follow we earn.
          Tonight (or morning for some of you, possibly evening or day) we have posted all of the introductions to our books. Some of the books, such as Book Reviews and Quizzes have Form and Day 0, as well as their Introductions.
          I'm guessing you followed to check out our books, so this is why we are sending out this message!
          We hope you enjoy the work we put in for you guys, and we'd love to hear your feedback!


Hi! :D
          You look like an awesome profile. Truce?
          (By that, I mean that some roleplay and fandom groups go to war on each-other. I just don't want to be involved in these "wars" so I would like to truce as much people as I can.)


            Thank you for your confidence in trying to truce with us!
            Unfortunately, I cannot get back to you with the answer right now, for I have to speak to my bud (@deinox) who's also the owner of this account first.
            I'm still not sure what you mean by 'wars', for we would never want to cause a cluster of problems, but I'll get back to it momentarily.
            Thanks for the compliment, also!
            Nice to know you enjoy our profile.


@chromeflame @StormWindClan @The_Lost_Griffin @deinox @_BatmanKitty_ @Kwetonix @-Aqua_Storm- @crayola32 @-Constellations
          Hey guys.
          Just a reminder to finish AT LEAST the introductions for your books.
          If you have, then I'd get started on the next part.
          And also please respond to the PMs I sent out to everyone. If you already have then no worries for you.


@WattyFandom Should I include my fandom list? It'll be long XD -Chrome