
Hey Bro you alive


@Webweasel_priyom Thanks and I will check it out


@Hellopeolpe101 Yeah, but I only post on wattpad as some spanish guy stole all my work and reposted it here. I only signed up to send him a DMCA. You can find my latest work on fanfiction . net. Just search for webweasel.


Hey a idea popped in my head since Bell and Ais want wait to have kids so Ais can fight why not have them adopt Wiene so they have a kid sooner. Like since the god of the guild loves the Xenos they could easily make a fake but real birth certificate and have Fels and the Witch create a magic item that makes Wiene  look human or any other species that live on the surface. I really like Wiene as a character and in the manga it felt like a father daughter relationship then any other type.