Well this is an official wake up from the hibernation. Since our beautiful angel of manager @RachelS8766 is no longer able to continue to be a manager, I @najeesathar am willing to take the duties. But if any of you have a objection please feel free to state it and if any of you are willing to take the duties I don't have any sort of objections. Though we have had a number of start overs I sincerely hope this time we don't fall again. So the hiring starts fresh with a new cycle. We will be hiring new writers every single week. If you wish to do the column for the next week also you can always make an reservation. The detailed procedure of how we work will be published as a book soon. @-keep_on_dreaming-, @ChristianBolen9593, @friday1064, @najeesathar, @bookishgeekforlife, @RachelS8766, @yahoo30, @officiallyblue, @Meapsforships, @The_Night_Owl_Teller

@WeeklyQuestionMag , I am interested to try out writing but if you can give me an idea of how ur WQM works!!