OKAY WOW, I HIT 100 FOLLOWERS. THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH OH MY GOD!!!! Okay, I'm sooooo late on updates, and I'm sorry about that. I haven't been home for the past month. I'm gonna give you guys as many updates as I can, maybe a new story or something too. I don't really know. But I think that once I start writing The Omega again, I'm going to continue writing until I finish it then post all the chapters like two a week, or maybe three, depends on how much I write. Reason for this is because I'm kinda done with the story, and I already know how I want it to end. But don't worry, there's still a lot of chapters left and I'm going to be updating soon, so please be patient. ONCE AGAIN I LOVE YOU GUYS AND I'M SORRY FOR THE WAIT!!!