
The unfortunate part about writing self indulgent fanfiction is that you actually have to finish writing it before you can read it 


I'm my own best therapist. 
          I may be underpaid, under qualified and hate my job but man I am making breakthroughs over here 


*Accidentally figures out cause and solution for 8 year old problem while cleaning the bathroom on a random friday*


It's the listening that makes or breaks the deal. I'll be talking to myself all day every day but once I listen to whatever I'm yapping about things actually start making sense 


I love to watch my dog from the bed/sofa/door frame, because he's just. Living. 
          Exploring things and seeing the world for the first time. 
          He's discovering things I haven't payed attention to in years and he's so excited about them. 
          It makes me wonder how many little beautiful moments I missed out on by not noticing because "it's just _". 


alone, sitting in the grass in the middle of the night, stargazing, and the entire stripe of sky that has visible stars clouds over completely, thinking man if this isn't a sign, and then the clouds turn the most magical looking dusty orange, like maybe signs aren't just one thing or the other, maybe things can end and still be beautiful 


Heyhey to anyone still around from the mcyt agere story! This isn't exactly how I expected a reunion but welp here we are :') 
          Just wanted to let anyone who's still reading the story to know that I didn't delete it; I got a notification a few minutes ago saying it's been removed for "violation of guidelines" even though I've been making sure there aren't any and the story has been up for almost 4 years with no prior issues. 
          I'll try to submit an appeal but I'm not sure if it's going to do anything. 
          Sorry and thank you so much to anyone who enjoyed and supported the stories, I'll update if I can, take care lovely lot <3


Cities be like: "inaccessible? How dare you say we're not accessible?! We even have an accessible entrance to our train platform!!"
          And then proceed to show you the "accessible" entrance which is 3 incredibly steep ramps at the very end of an uphill street whose ground switches from broken asphalt to gravel to cobble, and is also the furthest away from the ticket machine 


Why do the decisions you make as a little kid dictate your entire future job life??
          How should I have been preparing for the fact that my dream job as an adult requires a masters degree which I'm massively under qualified to even consider starting because when I finished school at barely 15 I didn't care if I lived another day and spent my entire childhood planning on a job that doesn't even necessarily requires GCSE's 


Like who put 5-15 year old me in charge of successfully planning my future? 
            I tried eating the same dish soap twice because I thought maybe it'll taste different the second time, and nobody thought "hm maybe let's not set the decisions they make while their brain isn't done developing as an example of their iq for the rest of their life".. Who thought that's a good idea??? 