
New chapter of Heartcoded, my story about an android who falls in love with you and will do anything to ensure you end up together, is posted!


I know you have been done with Hell Kitchen ( love the story btw) for a long while, but I was wondering what happened to the extra chapters or such that you had said you were planning for their future or something I have been trying to find it.


@Whatitshouldvebeen ohhh, ok, and sorry if my first comment sounded mean or demanding that was definitely not what I was going for.


@starspirit312 hey, Im planning on releasing one of the bonus chapters when my new story Heartcoded has more chapters released to try and see if people who enjoy my writing would like to come check out my new book ^^ so maybe in a few months!


Hiii! I was wondering when you’re going to transfer your stuff from patreon to Kofi, I would love to read your other stuff! 


@froggy397 Oh wow, you know I actually didn't think to move everything yet because I haven't been advertising my ko-fi as I have been very much engrossed in my latest story (191 pages now!!) So it makes me happy to see you ask! I can see about starting to get stuff moved over ASAP, but it won't be all at once, since there was quite a bit  thank you for asking!! 


Please please continue the ‘Yautja’s Claim story. This is just like a taste or chapter one of what could be such an amazing novel length story. You left it so open at the ending that it’s storyline could go in so many various directions. Also leaving the reader questioning things like how will they communicate, could misinterpretation cause both to make decisions causing more dramas ahead. There are so many ways this storyline could lead a reader. And just how would he explain to her he has ‘claimed’ her and what it means especially once his bloods side effect brings back rational thinking to her and inability to understand his language. Such a unique storyline so far with a fantastically written foundation really leaves reader wanting more!


@SnowfakesElegance thank you so much! I probably will not be writing more since this story was one requested and not something I am personally very interested in, but if you like David 8 from the Alien franchise, I am working on a (currently) 104 page long and growing fanfic for him next! I'll post it as soon as I can think of a good book cover...


Is there anyways you would continue your yellowstone story. I love it so much and been dying for more!


 I totally agree. I hope you keep writing this story! Keep John alive! No rush! I love this story and its uniqueness.


@lazergirl19 totally understand I hope you get invested in it again. You could even keep john dutton in it you know. Make it your own. Even kill someone else off if you have too! 


@lazergirl19 hey! I know what happens next, but Yellowstone losing John Dutton really took the wind out of my sails for finishing the story x-x I have to be invested to write and I will have to see how the next season goes and see if it revives my love! 