
Welc9me t9 my page! I c9ngratulate y9u 9n y9ur awes9me abilities. This page is deditcated t9 depressing fanficti9ns. I d9 have a c9uple 9ther fanficti9n pages but hey, if y9u're sad and y9u like anime... well read my st9ries and h9pefully y9u enj9y them!


Welc9me t9 my page! I c9ngratulate y9u 9n y9ur awes9me abilities. This page is deditcated t9 depressing fanficti9ns. I d9 have a c9uple 9ther fanficti9n pages but hey, if y9u're sad and y9u like anime... well read my st9ries and h9pefully y9u enj9y them!