Hello everyone! In case you haven't noticed, I have published the first part of my new (and first!) novel, which is a vampire-human romance! If you could check it out, that would make my day, but if not, I appreciate you all the same! Please feel free to leave any comments, especially if there are spelling mistakes. Also, let me know if you're interested and want to see more! I will be pushed to keep going if I know you guys want to see this book through! Thank you all, and I appreciate your follows, even though I have no idea why you thought I was worth following in the first place.
I will be posting chapter 1 in a little bit, 2 and 3 will be out later today or early tommorow, and chapter 4 is being worked on bit by bit (my current time is 2:00 for those in other time zones) Have a great day/night!