
Okay so I had issues with the second chapter of protego not showing up when I clicked on it so I had to re-write it because I'm a doofus and didn't save a copy onto my actual computer! I know its different to the old chapter (if you could even see it) and I apologise because I couldn't remember what happened fully so I hope this is okay...
          	Stay Awesome.


Please please don’t give up on your protego stories it was such a great idea I was looking for a fantastic beast story like that for such a long time it was good I’ve seen way to many people just give up on good stories please don’t be another one


@Supernaturalmorgan20 I've recently reviewed Protego and I feel happy possibly continuing it, however, it would not be on this site. All chapters currently on Wattpad would undergo editing to correct any spelling or grammar and then be re-uploaded to my AO3 account if I were to continue the story. Would you be willing to follow the story on that site if I were to continue making uploads?


Okay so I had issues with the second chapter of protego not showing up when I clicked on it so I had to re-write it because I'm a doofus and didn't save a copy onto my actual computer! I know its different to the old chapter (if you could even see it) and I apologise because I couldn't remember what happened fully so I hope this is okay...
          Stay Awesome.


I was going through my comments on my stories and honestly I'm so appreciative. I know I don't reply to comments but it's because I'm afraid of dissapointing you guys with my shitty personality and bad jokes but honestly guys I love reading sweet comments from you it honestly means the world. 
          I'm sorry I cannot upload more often but hopefully I will get some more chapters out soon. I'm planning on uploading new chapters for One Wish, Clover and Protego at some point in the near future. Thank you for those who have stuck by me in my writer's block ❤❤