How many of ya'll like Dream SMP, too? Specifically Tommy, Tubbo, George, etc. (NOT DREAM HIMSELF SORRY LOL)
Reading Lists
How many of ya'll like Dream SMP, too? Specifically Tommy, Tubbo, George, etc. (NOT DREAM HIMSELF SORRY LOL)
How many of ya'll like Dream SMP, too? Specifically Tommy, Tubbo, George, etc. (NOT DREAM HIMSELF SORRY LOL)
!!BOOP!! (You now have to BOOP 25 (@Vi-of-the-8495 decided 20 isn’t enough) other profiles! Help spread this insanity!)
Boop. You get a follow. Also, YOU ALSO READ WARRIORS??? Awesome. :3 ur books are cool. u deserve this follow.
!!BOOP!! (You now have to BOOP 20 other profiles! Help spread this insanity) (Sorry, but welcome to the boop insanity :3)
@Vi-The-8495 !!BOOP!! (You now have to BOOP 20 other profiles! Help spread this insanity)
Guys idk why but Wattpad legit just deleted one of my stories cuz it "ViOlAtes TeRmS oF SeRvICE" and idk what to do because to file a ticket you need the story ID Number but it's FULLY DELETED and I can't find the ID number and I lost so much work and I'm so upset. I keep all my stories PG-13 and follow all the guidelines and stuff so this is yall's sign to NOT KEEP YOUR STORIES ON WATTPAD. Make a backup copy please T-T Idk what to do T-T
@WiseWing77 I'm fairly certain that you can find the books ID Number in the link to your books info page. Do you happened to have the link saved somewhere or have you sent it to someone previously.
@WiseWing77 personally i exclusively write out my stories on google docs, also to spellcheck, i think this is the most you can do atm. i'm so sorry this happened gosh i love your stories :(((
Guyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyys I wrote a sequel. To Watcher-Prime. Please tell me if it's not interesting, I have a few book ideas and it was a draw so I went with this one but I also have alternative chapters I can publish T-T This is probably the most requested book EVER and I've put it off for so long I had to write it. Moral obligation.
@WiseWing77 YESSS OMW THIS IS AMAZING! I love that story and I didn't think it would ever get a sequel, I'm excited
@ WiseWing77 I just started reading Watcher Prime a couple of days ago and I was soo hyped that you dropped a sequel to it!!! I'm sure it's even better that the first book and I can't wait to get myself started on reading it. And if you fell like you need to take your time, then do it No ones rushing you and we can all wait no matter how much it takes ✨❣️
Okay I know I've teased quite a few books. And I've carried through with 2. I've almost started a book like 5 times over the past few months. The only thing stopping me is the standards I hold myself to. My biggest pet peeve with sites like this is the amount of unfinished books there are. I'm not condemning anyone for the lack of motivation. I almost quit my last book a couple times and even though I didn't I definitely rushed a lot of plot points. Which is better than quitting, but now when I go back and read Soulbreak there are parts where I'm like oop I could've done that/paced that SO MUCH better. (Btw if you've read Soulbreak you're a real one and ilysm) Anyway - point is it's really important to me to start what I finish. So If I start a book Imma have to get myself up and write for like 30 days of my life. I didn't have that problem a couple years ago (BaCk IN mY dAY ya'll know I wrote Watcher-Prime in 20 days which is actually insane of me looking back). But honestly as I've gotten older I don't trust my motivation anymore. That said I am starting a new book. This week. Now that I've said it I literally HAVE to as per my earlier standards. This might be a mistake. That said literally no regrets - I've given ya'll like 10 ideas already I almost did so if you want to scroll down you could suggest one of those. Or give me an idea. I'm not PROMISING I'll do any of them but I'm a 75% more likely if you convince me. 3-1 odds so you should totally give me ideas RN. Otherwise I'll just fish something out or come up with something. The one thing imma put my foot down on now is anything Soulbreak-sequel related. Anything Watcher-Prime related is definitely in the cards. I haven't the slightest idea WHAT exactly I could do in the world. I don't want to ruin anything about the first book because I feel like it's phenomenal as a stand alone so I don't know if I should touch it but I am leaning in that direction. Idk you tell me if it's wrong to touch it. Anyway
@WiseWing77 I would LOVE to read anything you write especially a wp sequel
@WiseWing77 honestly I’d be fine with whatever, but since you’re open to suggestions here’s an idea I’ve had for a bit: The Watchers aren’t inherently bad but the general public are terrified of them due to their powers and secrecy, along with some Listeners (the bad group) spreading rumors about them to cover up their own evil deeds, and they either stay in their own dimension and tend to matters of importance or boredom, or scout and pretend to be normal players, collecting data about every server and keeping an eye out for any major threats. Their enemies are looking for Grian since he’s the only known admin to attain contact with him but he’s not a full Watcher, he’s still in training, and so the other Watchers are hiding his identity. I was also thinking of a few other members of Hermitcraft being Watchers (besides the obvious Pearl) like False and Zedaph, while some are good Listeners, like Gem and Scar. The hermits who are Watchers are trying to train him while hiding him from the Listeners cause they’re unsure which side they’re on. This is only a suggestion made out of some of my random thoughts, and if you do use it feel free to change anything :D
Yo Keep being freakin awesome (Post this to five people’s profile)
200 followers... that's crazzzzyyy Thanks everyone - ur all so amazing and I can't believe that I was lucky enough to pop off this much somehow T-T This proves legit anyone who stays consistent and doesn't give up can make it. I believe in ya'll.
@WiseWing77 congratulations. And the watcher prime is one of my favourite books on here
@WiseWing77 from what I can tell, you definitely timely deserve the 200 followers, you’re awesome, and a very skilled writer (you inspired me to write a story-)
SoOOooo if I wrote Watcher-Prime 2 would everyone read it?
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