That cat you chased off the lawn? She was searching for food for her kits.
That hurt dog on the side of the read that you ignored? He died a slow, painful death.
That raccoon you shot with your BB gun? He was starving already. Please help me stop animal cruelty! Put this on your page if you care at all about ALL animals :)
You say Twilight, I say Harry Potter.
You say red and black, I say red and gold.
You say Edward and Bella, I say Ron and Hermione.
You say Jacob Black, I say Remus Lupin.
You say football, I say Quidditch.
You say “Twilight is better than Harry Potter.” I say “You must not tell lies.”
You say depression, I say, “The dementors must be near. Here, have some chocolate.”
You say school, I say Hogwarts.
You say Jacob Black, I say Sirius Black (Siriusly!).
You say, “I’m going to kill you!” I yell, “Avada Kedavra!"
You say life, I say Harry Potter.
Put this on your profile if you love Harry Potter!
From Kit to apprentice, From Apprentice to Warrior, From Warrior to Elder, From Elder to StarClanner, I watched the Warrior Clans grow.
Put this on your profile if you love Erin Hunter's Warriors!
We defended the Stone,
We found the Chamber,
We freed the Prisoner,
We were chosen by the Goblet,
We fought alongside the Order,
We learned from the Prince, and
We mastered the Hallows.
We are the Harry Potter generation
Ron taught me to be loyal.
Hermione taught me to be clever.
Fred & George taught me to laugh.
Dumbledore taught me it's OK to make mistakes.
Luna taught me to believe.
Neville taught me it's never to late to become who you were born to be.
Snape taught me to be brave.
Remus taught me that it is what is on the inside that counts.
Hagrid taught me to love.
Dobby taught me to be free.
Harry Potter taught me how to live.
✔ Mentally Married to Draco Malfoy <3
- Look behind you!
- IscrittoJune 14, 2013
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Storie di Emily
- 6 storie pubblicate