Hi guys,
It's been brought to my attention that an account by the name of singularitaex95 has stolen my story Soul of a Dragon, and is passing it off as their own under the name, Dragons soul. They literally copy pasted the story word for word, changing only the title, and that barely. I've demanded they take it down and reported them for infringement, but I don't know if that will be enough.
You can help me by not engaging with that account, who knows if the other two stories posted on the account are also stolen.
I worked hard on that story and do not appreciate the blatant theft of my hard work so they can farm for reads or followers they didn't earn. This seriously has me pissed. If you guys know of any other way to deal with this issue, let me know please. At best, I want the stolen story deleted, at worse(which, honestly, I'm feeling right now), I want the account gone. What they did is disrespectful and dishonest.