
I want to cry. I've wanted to publish a book for a long time, but I thought the only thing stopping me was the money to do so. Now, I've finally managed to save the money to do so, spoke with the publisher, signed an agreement, only to find out I might not be able to publish after all because I don't possess a laptop and internet/wifi. 
          	I'm heartbroken. If I cancel the contract, I essentially lose a publisher forever, even if I managed to aquire the needed technology. I write on my pay as you go phone with limited internet and can't afford a laptop and the book publishing. I don't know what to do... I'm so sad. My dream of publishing is slowly crumbling. The publisher said maybe they can mail everything but I'd have to pay extra, but it's not guaranteed yet. This option is my last hope. Wish me luck.


@Writer-Unknown07 I don't know if this will work, but some public libraries have computers for use. This might be an option?


All the best
          	  Don't worry 


I want to cry. I've wanted to publish a book for a long time, but I thought the only thing stopping me was the money to do so. Now, I've finally managed to save the money to do so, spoke with the publisher, signed an agreement, only to find out I might not be able to publish after all because I don't possess a laptop and internet/wifi. 
          I'm heartbroken. If I cancel the contract, I essentially lose a publisher forever, even if I managed to aquire the needed technology. I write on my pay as you go phone with limited internet and can't afford a laptop and the book publishing. I don't know what to do... I'm so sad. My dream of publishing is slowly crumbling. The publisher said maybe they can mail everything but I'd have to pay extra, but it's not guaranteed yet. This option is my last hope. Wish me luck.


@Writer-Unknown07 I don't know if this will work, but some public libraries have computers for use. This might be an option?


All the best
            Don't worry 


Hey author I don't know why but I cant access your other books when I go to show more they are only a few am able to access the I cant access


@Writer-Unknown07 I know but what's the last book so that I can understand whether they are finished or not cause its ending where there is a book where Jin is crying and I don't know if its the last one or not I just forgot the title? 


@2468103579J   I have 30 stories published right now. I know it says show more beyond that, but there aren't any more stories beyond the 30 already there.


Hi guys,
          It's been brought to my attention that an account by the name of singularitaex95 has stolen my story Soul of a Dragon, and is passing it off as their own under the name, Dragons soul. They literally copy pasted the story word for word, changing only the title, and that barely. I've demanded they take it down and reported them for infringement, but I don't know if that will be enough. 
          You can help me by not engaging with that account, who knows if the other two stories posted on the account are also stolen. 
          I worked hard on that story and do not appreciate the blatant theft of my hard work so they can farm for reads or followers they didn't earn. This seriously has me pissed. If you guys know of any other way to deal with this issue, let me know please. At best, I want the stolen story deleted, at worse(which, honestly, I'm feeling right now), I want the account gone. What they did is disrespectful and dishonest.


Hi author ,
          Just want to ask if you have another account where you published soul of dragon .I just stumbled upon a story same as this with the name dragon's soul.


@blue_galaxy1 No need thank me author  .I  just think that it's not right to take credit for something that's not theirs and something you worked hard for. I loved your story and thank you for giving us this wonderful story .Stay safe and be healthy 


            Thank you for telling me. Yes, they literally copy pasted my story and is passing it on as their own. I'll be reporting them and told them to take it down. Hopefully, Wattpad will do something about it. I don't think there's anything else I can do, other than tell readers of the theft and hope they can help me get it taken down. Thanks for looking out! ☺️ 
            Next story will be dedicated to you☺️


@blue_galaxy1 the account singularitaex95 has the story published in the name dragon's soul


Thank you for adding WangXian Untamed (complete) to your reading list - I look forward to your votes and comments.  There is also a sequel, WangXian Untamed Together (updating), and two short story collections, One Shots and Hot Shots (updated by whim).  If you choose to follow my profile you'll receive a message when I publish new work.  Regardless, I wish you happy reading.
