
To my wonderful followers, I have an important message for you.
          	If you got through my profile, you’ll notice that only 3 of my works are still published. Not everyone read those ones, but I feel as though I should explain why. 
          	I’ve been writing since I was 12 in a “professional” manner. But, you don’t know much at 12(obviously). I wrote some pretty messed up things that other 12-14 year olds ate up because that’s what was poppin at the time. I haven’t written on Wattpad in years. No updates, no new stories, nada. And that’s because I was expanding my works from fanfics to books you may actually read on paper.
          	I have 2 books in the works. I am not a super talented writer by any means, but it is a dream to one day publish a book. 
          	That being said, this will be the closest to publishing I’ll get in a long, long time. With that being said:
          	I will be publishing the roughest, unfinished draft of book I’ve been working in for over a year. With school and revising and editing, it just won’t be completed for a long time.
          	Yet, I’ve had this urge to use my tiny platform to show you guys my work and get opinions from YOU. 
          	Many of my followers may not even have Wattpad on their devices anymore, but I want the few who are still here to give me opinions and shape my writing in ways others may enjoy.
          	If you read all of this, thank you so so much for being here and possibly watching me go from horrid fanfics to semi decent young adult fiction.❤️


To my wonderful followers, I have an important message for you.
          If you got through my profile, you’ll notice that only 3 of my works are still published. Not everyone read those ones, but I feel as though I should explain why. 
          I’ve been writing since I was 12 in a “professional” manner. But, you don’t know much at 12(obviously). I wrote some pretty messed up things that other 12-14 year olds ate up because that’s what was poppin at the time. I haven’t written on Wattpad in years. No updates, no new stories, nada. And that’s because I was expanding my works from fanfics to books you may actually read on paper.
          I have 2 books in the works. I am not a super talented writer by any means, but it is a dream to one day publish a book. 
          That being said, this will be the closest to publishing I’ll get in a long, long time. With that being said:
          I will be publishing the roughest, unfinished draft of book I’ve been working in for over a year. With school and revising and editing, it just won’t be completed for a long time.
          Yet, I’ve had this urge to use my tiny platform to show you guys my work and get opinions from YOU. 
          Many of my followers may not even have Wattpad on their devices anymore, but I want the few who are still here to give me opinions and shape my writing in ways others may enjoy.
          If you read all of this, thank you so so much for being here and possibly watching me go from horrid fanfics to semi decent young adult fiction.❤️