
          	What does that mean you ask, it means the end of of my writers block VDF;LVHFDKHBF,B;DFHVDF;IG ARE YOU READY!?


I've been looking through my announcements, and all they are is me apologizing for being inactive. I really do want to write more but I just can't. I mean I can but I feel bored once I start writing, and it sucks! I love writing but it's become such a chore for some reason. Plus I have to go get a brain scan, pray I'm not dying. It's 4:14 am right now, so I haven't been sleeping either. I'm on medications and can't go to school. My life is a mess and I'm not gonna notify y'all with this message, because nobody cares about my problems -fake laughter-


Hey guys, I am so so so sorry about not updating my fanfics lately. I've been sick, working, at school, or just not inspired to write. If you know me personally you know that I need to be in a select mood to write. Sometimes I will think that I'm in the mood but then when I start writing. I'll write 2 sentenced then become bored, then my mind wanders to homework and chores and stuff. That's been happening a lot lately and I apologize. I might be updating the Sweeney Todd fanfic very soon, and I need to watch Stranger Tides so I could write more of. Omg I can't even remember the name of it that it's been so long.