Hey! My name's Morgan and I'm trying to make it as an author. I've been writing since the fifth grade, but I'd still really appreciate any comments or tips you guys can give me to help me out! Most of my stories are about the paranormal or romance or teenagers in high school. If you have an idea you want me to try, leave me a message or something :) Okay, L8R!
- IscrittoJune 4, 2010
- facebook: Profilo Facebook di Morgan
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Hi guys! I know I've been missing for awhile and I'm very sorry for that. If any of you are still keeping up with WTTOR at all, I just posted a new chapter last night and maybe another one before tha...Visualizza tutte le conversazioni
Storie di Morgan
- 22 storie pubblicate

Cheaters and Charming's
I know I'm supposed to tell everyone what the story is about in this, but that's why the first chapter's so s...

So She Dances
With his brother, InuYahsa's, wedding in four months, Sesshomaru is forced to endure not only the majority of...

Lady Kagome, The High Priestess
Okay, so this is my second InuYasha fanfic, no I'm not done with the other one, I was just in the shower and...
4 Elenchi di lettura
- Elenco di lettura
- 34 storie
- Elenco di lettura
- 4 storie