Hi guys! I know I've been missing for awhile and I'm very sorry for that. If any of you are still keeping up with WTTOR at all, I just posted a new chapter last night and maybe another one before that a week or so ago (?) but either way there's something new on there. I wanted to apologize, again, for my tardiness in updating and for making people wait; I suck, I know, I'm going to work on it. I'm hoping to update Lady Kagome next and I also started another InuYasha fanfic that is going to be a SesshyxKags story set entirely in modern day Japan, it's called So She Dances and essentially it all starts with Kikyo and InuYasha's preparations for their upcoming wedding. I think it's going pretty well so if anyone wants to give that a read it has a lot of potential and I personally feel it's going to be one of my cuter/more touching stories. Anyway, thank you to those that stuck around, apologies to those that left, you will be missed, and I'll see you next time! Have a great night/day (time zone issues, no idea where you all are XD) L8r!