
From the creator, myself, that brought you the gender-informative book, This Gender thing, comes a new work of fiction titled Another Try. You'll have to read it to know more information, but I can tell you that it's a young adult work that is primarily set in the afterworld known as Tenarum. It would mean a great deal to me if you all could take time out of your day to give it a read and tell me your thoughts. I'm very sorry uploads to my account have been slow, but I've got a lot of inspiration and, thanks to the pandemic, a lot of time on my hands. I appreciate you all for your support and for being so patient with me.


From the creator, myself, that brought you the gender-informative book, This Gender thing, comes a new work of fiction titled Another Try. You'll have to read it to know more information, but I can tell you that it's a young adult work that is primarily set in the afterworld known as Tenarum. It would mean a great deal to me if you all could take time out of your day to give it a read and tell me your thoughts. I'm very sorry uploads to my account have been slow, but I've got a lot of inspiration and, thanks to the pandemic, a lot of time on my hands. I appreciate you all for your support and for being so patient with me.


It truly does warm my heart to see such an overwhelmingly positive response to my trans-informative book "This Gender Thing"
          Thanks to everyone who has read, liked, commented, and talked to me 1-on-1 about it. I am very happy most of all to see this book getting closer and closer to what I've always wanted. That being a book that is by a trans person for trans people, specifically aimed to help trans youth and to bring cis people a step closer to being a better trans ally. My entire vision for This Gender Thing is all of what's been previously stated as well as someday to have chapters from other people. I want more trans people to get involved with it, I want to give interviews, I want to hear other peoples perspectives and their own personal experiences with being trans or looking at this community from the cis perspective. 
          Lastly, if anyone would be interested in getting involved with my story, please do not hesitate to leave a message in my inbox. I'd love to start including others.
          Remember to smile, everybody.


Hi Izzy :) I know it's late but I've been off wattpad for a while and I wanted to say congrats on your graduation. (btw this is papyruspoet/box_chevy, from my newly permanent account).


I miss everyone lol. I've been doing more writing the old fashioned way as of late anyhow. I get too nervous using the computer here since I'm not accepted in my family as male. I'd be in huge trouble if my family found this account and I've been sharing more of my writing with them so I just dont like taking chances. I miss this place a lot, though


@IzzyLeigh awh, I'm sorry to hear you're not supposed to be on it... Seems as if your absence wasn't 100% voluntary? :( Welp, I MISSED YOU!


I haven't been on wattpad in months. I'm not even supposed toi be on now, so it's okay. Thank you very much :)


x!s poems are all really good, enjoying reading them so far. you've gotten much better at your poetry from before when we used to write little rhyming poems together haha


omg right? crazy times lol


Thanks and omg I literally remember everytime we would be on the phone asking each other what rhymes with _________ because we couldnt write the poem unless it all perfectly rhymed XDD


Some people write stories and poems that are instant hits. It doesn't matter that just the prologue is up - there are already well beyond a thousand views and votes. I firmly believe that your new collection, six, should be one of those types of things. It isn't yet, and it may never be, but you have one huge fan right here so please. never stop.


It did! I don't get much comments on anything really and that post just completed me. LOL it sounds so weird to say but it did.


Haha anytime, I'm happy just because that seemed to make you so happy.


Oh my god this made my entire life, you have no idea. You're amazing just so you know and I could say the same to you. There are no words just- thank you!