It truly does warm my heart to see such an overwhelmingly positive response to my trans-informative book "This Gender Thing"
Thanks to everyone who has read, liked, commented, and talked to me 1-on-1 about it. I am very happy most of all to see this book getting closer and closer to what I've always wanted. That being a book that is by a trans person for trans people, specifically aimed to help trans youth and to bring cis people a step closer to being a better trans ally. My entire vision for This Gender Thing is all of what's been previously stated as well as someday to have chapters from other people. I want more trans people to get involved with it, I want to give interviews, I want to hear other peoples perspectives and their own personal experiences with being trans or looking at this community from the cis perspective.
Lastly, if anyone would be interested in getting involved with my story, please do not hesitate to leave a message in my inbox. I'd love to start including others.
Remember to smile, everybody.