
Hi I haven't been here for long just came around to see that I had over a 100 notifications here 
          	Anyways I might start writing again


Ok so can someone elxplain why this happened to me so just like 5 mins ago I was walking after getting of the bed to close a door and I was walking back to the bed when my bison went all blurt and hazy and my head got a lottttt of vibrations through it, and I tripped over nothing maybe my foot but still my vision stayed like that for 10 seconds and more and my head still had that weird sensation and it stoped suddenly 


Hi yall I didn’t wish you a merry Christmas cause I was offline for a WHILE 
          Anyway new year is approaching so a happy early new year and 
          @ spammmmmnank 
          HAPPY EARLY BIRTHDAY my phone is still broken I am not able to use it so sorry for not replying back if you sent any message of a kind 


I miss ya too and no problemo


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Tysm Dumbass Miss ya


          so about my dazai reader 
          i am going to update soon i promise 
          just don't kill me 
          and @spammmmmnank
          hi why haven't you called me yet 
          oh wait i forgot i broke my whole phone 


@spammmmmnank when did i ghost you
            and btw my phone is still broken


@yashikapoor_ jesus christ talk about being ghosted by you


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has anything like happened to you before 
          like you do the work your school teacher gave you 
          then when you have to present you are already shaking and nervous as fuck 
          then you start the teacher says stuff like "you had to do it on something new everyone is doing it on this" like I missed a few classes not my fault 
          then when you start she makes a fool of you by saying you cant pronounce t right and you are reading it then she gives out pointers about why it's all bad 
          you listen turn your camera off and mice on mute and your throat feels like sharp chains are gripped around it vision goes blurry cause of tears but you hold it back and more stuff like that
          just happened to me yay I'm SoO hApPy I wAs JuSt MaDe A fOoL oUt Of 
          why do teachers not get it like she won't say that to anyone else but I like everyone did that not only me why are you picking on me this is why i never talk in her class i use to tell my friends what a good teacher she is but now its changed


Hi yall how is everyone doing 
          Ima just be venting here for today no news 
          So I have realised that I am kinda like the z in some friendships what I mean by this is 
          Have you noticed how z is barely used or given attention and how it is the last alphabet with the least amount of usage and that it can be replaced at places or times 
          I feel like that at times 


I mean, Ik how you feel cause I am the z at times but, things are gonna get better for you and no-youre never the Z