
Some people deadass take my account too seriously. No, carol, I made this hell hole when I was 12 and now I’m here to either shitpost or write gay fanfic. Please, if you expect genuine content from me, please kill me.


Pesan ini mungkin menyinggung
Hi grace,  it Izzy XD here's a poem
          Channel is gay
          I am bi
          Lance gets fucked
          By Keith everyday
          Clam you boner
          Don't get excited
          I was just joking
          For now anyway
          But wait what was that? 
          I think heard 'daddy'
          Oh never mind it's just Lance
          Moaning for his daddy
          Wait,  what the fuck!? 
          Keith fucked him in the ass
          What a coincidence
          That Keith is the real daddy