
Finally got Chapter 3 up of Science-Fiction. I was having some trouble's but I got past it with the help of an even longer chapter! Whoo-hoo! #Sarcasm Anyways, Chapter 4 is basically going to only be character development/talking because...why the hell not? So, that should be done in a few days. It's now 1:01am at the time of writing this, so I should get some sleep. Hope you enjoy the chapter! Warning though! I did NOT proofread it yet, so if you see anything out of place, le'me know!


Finally got Chapter 3 up of Science-Fiction. I was having some trouble's but I got past it with the help of an even longer chapter! Whoo-hoo! #Sarcasm Anyways, Chapter 4 is basically going to only be character development/talking because...why the hell not? So, that should be done in a few days. It's now 1:01am at the time of writing this, so I should get some sleep. Hope you enjoy the chapter! Warning though! I did NOT proofread it yet, so if you see anything out of place, le'me know!


I know what yoy mean when you say you can't not love Disney. It's almost as if every movie brainwashes you to watch another.
          That's what happened to me with Frozen, which is a sad, sad fact to admit.


@ReneeHicks Yes. We broke the code, man. Now we need to keep a look out for Mickey Mouse heads because now Disney's gonna try and cover up that we broke the code. 


@XTheOnyxCat Oh. . . my. . . gosh.
            The answer to the universe has just been revealed.


@ReneeHicks Exactly! 
            Though, that does make me wonder if we didn't actually watch Frozen but we really watched some weird brainwash movie like in Zoolander. O - O Whoa. That would explain why whenever someone starts singing Let If Go or Do You Wanna Build A Snowman, no matter how much we cringe at the ridiculously catchy song, we can't help but sing along.