My two cents on Pbk and its server(mainly kobe) They were really an..experience. it started with ignoring, gaslighting and straight up insulting. These people are not so good as you think September 14th or 4th(I forgot) I joined that place, it was pretty cool. I guess. I liked the theme and I thought everyone would've been nice but literally no. I got attacked for saying I listened to Christmas music in July. I was 14 or 15 at the time, these mfs were absolutely 17 or 18 attacking me. Kobe was just watching the chat like another after I tagged him and asked him to help me out a little bit cuz I didn't understand why everyone is attacking me for something silly. Nothing, so it just kept going, but literally a minute later, someone tagged him and asked him something and immediately he responded. So I'm like? "What..??" O was confused. Why wasn't he telling anyone to stop attacking me but answered someone who was asking a question. Another thing was the art channel, yknow us traditional artists barely get love but I got a few compliments so it was fine. Usually when you're drawing their avatar, you tag them. So the times I do, cool responses but not for playboicirus. He'd straight up ignore me again, and compliment the other artist infront of me while I'm thanking others. It was just a crazy pattern

@Xcatlix Pt.2 So in the question channel, I asked him why he's ignoring me but nothing. An hour later, someone ask him a question and guess what? Answered! So now I'm straight up mad and sad. So I've went to peoples DMS and asked have they've ever had this complication? They've told me more than ever. How he had a very nasty attitude, how he'd shame them infront of others to get people to laugh, get into petty arguments and etc.(to be respectful for all of them) I was definitely one of those people. I had to let aiko ask him over and over again to say "are we cool?" Or "stop, it's really getting upsetting" or I'd just vent to her. That server and him, himself, was really getting to me, and my mental was going down. A friend of mines were telling me how he would insult her at times with some server member and that server member would deadass insult the youtuber (that she really liked) that died, disrespecting her in the process. The only people who made it fun in that place was Mike and Jemar(sometimes). I would talk about drama some of them have but no, it's pretty irrelevant fr. I took a break from everything, I left the server and I was working on myself. No way in goddamn hell I made some jackass hurt me like this. I hated everything about them, the members, the ignorance and entitlement, HIM. I'm speaking out because it's been on my mind for a bit and I just wanted to spread awareness about his acts (Also, he called children l0li$ and Sh0t@s. He also joked about . And keeps harrassing a female streamer in her dms and chat) So yeah. And also I been left, it's like..2 years now? 3? Idk and idc, I just wanted to talk about it. So ..I hope u have a good day or night