
Hello A New Mission readers!
          	I am so sorry if it seems like I am dragging out the ending of story 2. I'm not trying to, I swear! I've just been so busy this summer (normal for my line of work) and my wrist has flared up again which makes typing a lot so very hard. I'll also be going into the desert to do a little science for a week where I won't have a computer. But!
          	In terms of productivity, I am happy to say that I have at least finished my TRUE final editing run of the first story, A New Mission: Ash to Fire (sorry about some of your comment pins ). It was genuinely in very good shape (thank goodness), but now it's in even better shape regarding prose, continuity, dialogue, and general structure. Doesn't mean much for the folks who already read it, I know, but this editing run was *my* first time reading my story linearly, which was a joy, and it it quells my personal anxieties.
          	And now, with it no longer hanging over my head I can home in entirely on Happiness is Simple--which I will also start linear editing as I finish it up. Next chapter, 43, is partially written. Will write bits and pieces as my wrist allows on my phone in my desert tent haha. Overall, I think the sequel will end around Chapter 46/47. And that's accommodating me getting carried away. 
          	Anyway, you're all great and thanks so much to those who have stuck with me and this story even as Avatar hype has gotten really quiet for now  I hope you've had and are having fun.


Hello A New Mission readers!
          I am so sorry if it seems like I am dragging out the ending of story 2. I'm not trying to, I swear! I've just been so busy this summer (normal for my line of work) and my wrist has flared up again which makes typing a lot so very hard. I'll also be going into the desert to do a little science for a week where I won't have a computer. But!
          In terms of productivity, I am happy to say that I have at least finished my TRUE final editing run of the first story, A New Mission: Ash to Fire (sorry about some of your comment pins ). It was genuinely in very good shape (thank goodness), but now it's in even better shape regarding prose, continuity, dialogue, and general structure. Doesn't mean much for the folks who already read it, I know, but this editing run was *my* first time reading my story linearly, which was a joy, and it it quells my personal anxieties.
          And now, with it no longer hanging over my head I can home in entirely on Happiness is Simple--which I will also start linear editing as I finish it up. Next chapter, 43, is partially written. Will write bits and pieces as my wrist allows on my phone in my desert tent haha. Overall, I think the sequel will end around Chapter 46/47. And that's accommodating me getting carried away. 
          Anyway, you're all great and thanks so much to those who have stuck with me and this story even as Avatar hype has gotten really quiet for now  I hope you've had and are having fun.


Hey all, I just dropped Chapter 41, Emotion. So very sorry it took a month, I have just been very busy with work. Summer is where things get busy for scientists sadly.
          Next one very soon! It's actually split off from Chapter 41 because I got carried away as usual lol so they function sort of as one chapter. Anticipate that one for Sunday evening :)
          Happy reading! I crave your comments!


Is there going to be a third book after the second book is done 


@vnkinyon Hello! Sorry for the delay. So as of right now I want to say that no there will not be another massive scale story of similar caliber to the first two. This hobby, which I cherish, has eaten into a lot of others that I am eager to return to after a year and a half of dedicated hyperfocus 
            That said, I really love these characters and I am not opposed (though cannot promise) to perhaps a book that has a collection of one-shot short stories of certain times in Miles and Zu's relationship. Whenever the mood strikes me to write one.
            Anyway, thanks for your question and for reading! Asking for a 3rd book means you like the first 2 which is a huge compliment and fuel for my silly writer brain.


So this is just a silly little request for my writer's ego lol, but I think a lot of readers found me with the second story--after the first one was already finished. Regarding A New Mission: Ash to Fire and not having to wait for new chapters, it makes sense that people would just excitedly flow through to the next ones! In doing this it can be easy to forget to vote.
          I've never asked for votes, but I would really appreciate that if you read and enjoyed the first story, you might throw a couple of votes its way if you didn't get a chance to 
          Ash to Fire's views-to-votes ratio can look a little meh to a passerby. The thing is that it's so huge and with only 51 chapters that it will naturally have far, far more views than votes can catch up as single readers repeatedly "put it down" and "pick it back up" as they take time to go through it. But any little bit helps it out to influence a prospective reader--which could guide more people to the story's sequel too which so many of you are currently enjoying as much as I am enjoying writing it 
          Anywway, Chapter 40 of Happiness is Simple is dropping tomorrow! ✨
          All the best,


Just posted Chapter 27 a really good one I think!
          And so, for readers of the first story, A New Mission: Ash to Fire, I'm currently going back and doing my "LAST" major editing pass as I read it linearly for the first time since I finished it. This is editing pass #5 I believe.
          Happy to report I've found minimal glaring mistakes in what I've done so far, but I'll be continuing to trim the excess and improve the clarity and prose of some chapters I find to be a little tedious. I am also tightening up the continuity and will continue making spelling changes of “SEC-OPS” and “SCI-OPS” to “SecOps” and “SciOps,” and “exo-pack” to “exopack” and the like.
          But so new and re-readers of the story will appreciate the general quality increase and even a few little extras, for example, mild Ash Na’vi lore expansions in light of the sequel's progression and even extra/adjusted (but non-story changing) lines of dialogue. As of today, I’ve edited up through Chapter 14 of Ash to Fire so far, if you’re curious, and my focus on these edits is actually why the recent sequel chapter was kind of delayed. Sorry! My hyperfocus.
          After I finish editing Ash to Fire, which is no small feat and will probably take about 2-3 more weeks as I *also* continue to drop new chapters for Happiness is Simple, I will begin the first major editing pass on the sequel. Luckily, however, Happiness is Simple has been written with Grammarly and a more slowed-down pace since I started it, so its initial state is leagues better than Ash to Fire's was... which is kind of regrettable . I can’t help but beat myself up sometimes in thinking about how Ash to Fire’s early flaws may have scared away some readers from its rich story.
          Or it’s just too massive in which case I /sigh/. But at least as I do this final editing pass I will be tightening up some of the truly massive chapters. Maybe one of the 11k word chapters drops to... 10.5k hahaaa... 
          Oh well! Thank YOU all for still reading A New Mission ✨


Posted a version of this on Tumblr and figured I should share it here too! :)
          So I think where the story is right now I am aiming for a 40-chapter finish line, so we are getting there! Especially with me getting back to a better schedule. I have *finally* after a year learned my lesson of not promising exact days to you all lol, but just know that I am steaming ahead. Any delays or lengthened times in between the remaining chapters are because I am trying to get them right and good.
          Also, a personal ask. Avatar Fandom, at least in reading, seems very quiet right now so if you are still reading and enjoying the sequel, or even still on the first story, it would go a super long way if you could let me know that you are. Naturally, A New Mission: Happiness is Simple by being a fanfic sequel with even more unfamiliar OCs and being started when the fandom was already winding down isn't getting as much attention as the first, which is a-ok! I have wonderful regular readers and commenters for it across platforms 
          But I will say it would do ✨wonders✨ for my motivation if more folks could drop a comment or a vote. Anything to let me know you are still here for the ride. 
          At over 600k words for the whole series, for those who like massive books, I feel like I am writing a really rich Avatar story that's not even just for Quaritch, Wainfleet, and Mansk fans, especially now that we are at the point in the sequel with some of our beloved franchise characters back in the fold. Regardless of who it's for, if it IS for you and you've been enjoying it please let me know!


Hello, my wonderful A New Mission: Happiness is Simple readers. Happy New Year!
          I know it's been a minute since the last chapter, but I just wanted you to know that I have been cooking up a bunch more! I've been busy moving and I had a loooonng cross-country train ride, coast to coast, and also an unexpected two-day layover with a nice hotel. All I did was write and sightsee. The sightseeing was inspiring.
          The current word count of what I've written is 32k words! It really moves the story along and I just have to finish up another chunk, editing, final touches, and figure out how to break these words into digestible chapters. I actually needed to write these chapters all out before dropping them so that things align properly in the story. Didn't want to rush and mess something up. Lots of moving pieces as you who are reading know.
          So the great news is that you'll probably be getting a lot of chapters at once. At least 4, maybe 5 by tomorrow (Sunday) evening ideally.


@Xenomorphee_  glad you've had a good year for yourself your work is worth the wait


I have hope you'll come back when your work is over with can't wait for your happiness is simple story to continue !! I would like to know whether or not mabye Spider could be getting an avatar whether another "accident" between him and neytiri happens again that involves his other family probably protecting them and then need to do a grace scene ?


@IsaacArtists Hey I'm so sorry for the delay in responding to your comment! I appreciate your appreciation of my stories ^_^ 
            I am actively writing, I just have a massive in real life task to complete which is taking up too much of my time sadly. So regarding Spider. I am trying to write a very conservative predictive story ya know? I don't know that he will get an Avatar by the end of the franchise, only that he will change a little. So I didn't write him as getting one. But I hope you will still like the life I created for Spider when he appears in my sequel story.
            Thanks so much again for reading, voting, and commenting. Goes a really long way <3


Wow I always forget that Wattpad has a feed/wall haha. Anyway, I posted the below on Tumblr today regarding the delay in the next chapter:
          Hey all,
          I am so so SO sorry, but me drowning with work is the understatement of the year!
          Drowning like Quaritch in Way of Water except I have no Spider to save me lol
          I have truly had no time time to actually write the story and an early this week Chapter drop like I mentioned in the end-Chapter sadly will be impossible (for perspective, it's 12:39 am on Monday as I type this and I am still up and struggling with coding )
          Then, I have a conference starting mid-week and going through weekend. I hope to maybe get some chunks written here and there and maybe on the flight back.
          I will be very honest that the next chapter is mostly likely going to come out on October 27th. 
          Again, I genuinely am so sorry, I never intended for such a long hiatus, but yeah the ending stage of a PhD is brutal, people weren't kidding   I hope I don't lose any readers. I am fully committed! Even commissioned some more arts. Just gotta get past some of these intense work hurdles.