Hello A New Mission readers!
I am so sorry if it seems like I am dragging out the ending of story 2. I'm not trying to, I swear! I've just been so busy this summer (normal for my line of work) and my wrist has flared up again which makes typing a lot so very hard. I'll also be going into the desert to do a little science for a week where I won't have a computer. But!
In terms of productivity, I am happy to say that I have at least finished my TRUE final editing run of the first story, A New Mission: Ash to Fire (sorry about some of your comment pins ). It was genuinely in very good shape (thank goodness), but now it's in even better shape regarding prose, continuity, dialogue, and general structure. Doesn't mean much for the folks who already read it, I know, but this editing run was *my* first time reading my story linearly, which was a joy, and it it quells my personal anxieties.
And now, with it no longer hanging over my head I can home in entirely on Happiness is Simple--which I will also start linear editing as I finish it up. Next chapter, 43, is partially written. Will write bits and pieces as my wrist allows on my phone in my desert tent haha. Overall, I think the sequel will end around Chapter 46/47. And that's accommodating me getting carried away.
Anyway, you're all great and thanks so much to those who have stuck with me and this story even as Avatar hype has gotten really quiet for now I hope you've had and are having fun.