
~Chapter ~
          	The room is cozy, with posters of constellations on the walls. Beomgyu and Huening Kai sat cross-legged on the floor, a colorful deck of UNO cards spread out between them.
          	Just as Beomgyu was about to triumphantly declare 'blue', his phone buzzed.
          	He glanced at the screen- It was a message from Yeonjun.
          	"Hyung, your turn"
          	"Oh? Yeah right, yellow..." Beomgyu spoke, distracted.
          	Sometimes he wished life came with instructions like UNO...
          	decided to give spoiler anyway


pookie your pfp is pretty who is it???


I KNEW IT (my friend I and I made a bet on who your PFP was)


~Chapter ~
          The room is cozy, with posters of constellations on the walls. Beomgyu and Huening Kai sat cross-legged on the floor, a colorful deck of UNO cards spread out between them.
          Just as Beomgyu was about to triumphantly declare 'blue', his phone buzzed.
          He glanced at the screen- It was a message from Yeonjun.
          "Hyung, your turn"
          "Oh? Yeah right, yellow..." Beomgyu spoke, distracted.
          Sometimes he wished life came with instructions like UNO...
          decided to give spoiler anyway


I don't know which part of the chap to spoil, so here u go with the chap name,
          It's called "Wild Cards and a Stupid Apology"
          And i would like to tell you that this is a pretty simple story, not containing THAT much of a plot, some might find it boring.
          But ig there is a sort of plot twist towards the end?