@_light-Tea-leaf_ "Nooooo! You can't keep yourself warm using a furnace! You must pay monthly for our expensive machine which makes air!"
"Haha furnace go brrrrr"
if you haven’t then I recommend that You make sure that only friends can DM you or become friends with you go to your privacy settings do not open any unknown DM’s on Discord since the blue whale challenge is very scary and will hurt you/your family and I don’t want you to go through that so please be careful don’t answer any DM’s/click on any unknown links they will get your private info how to discover if these accounts are blue accounts is that they’ll have the specific profile picture
@_light-Tea-leaf_ lmfao the blue whale guys are clowns. You gonna make me cut,pussyboi? Then come over to my country and cut my ass,nigga. I ain't afraid of your obese ass praying on vulnarable children online.