@feelinlucky I get you it used to be my home too. But try not to talk to to many paople, because remember what I told you? Alot of them are suicidal, and worrying and trying to help will be bad for you. Trust me please. Lol Id tell them to, but I dont think theyd really listen :/ and music, thats what Im depending on to. CX And you guys kept me smiling alot c: And once I saw you guys, I was happy for like two weeks, but I dunno I started talking to an old friend again. And wed have midnight conversations for like a week. But IDONT want to be the reason he ends up single, I refuse to be that type of girl. So I didnt message him today, but I feel so empty now. I just wish you were here, I know youd help me out, and youd be there to understand. Youd be right next to me giving me a hug. But your not and I just cant help butnlet the tears fall. I miss you so much.