
Annd Direct Messages are outta here! 
          	Honestly my leading theory is that too many people were doing smut rps in the DMs-


Oh 100% they most def were. That’s why I switched to discord lmao


Annd Direct Messages are outta here! 
          Honestly my leading theory is that too many people were doing smut rps in the DMs-


Oh 100% they most def were. That’s why I switched to discord lmao


So this is a bit awkward. I swear I feel like Casper the ghost the way I be disappearing from this app
          So all I can say is. Hi?


            Dude- I just disappeared for several months again lmfao. What other apps do you use? All my rp partners have gone off the face of the earth and now all I’m using is C.ai and chai :sob:


Same! Which is crazy because for years I’d be on this site without fail! Now I go to other sites for fanfic/ writings in general. I’m lucky if I check this app for like. A few months at a time 


            Dude- Wattpad is sooo dying. I legit disappeared for six months ;-;


Coming back? 
          Well I cannot be exactly certain if this my official “return” to Wattpad. I’m thinking of starting anew of sorts? Either unpublishable/ rewriting older works or just start up ignore them in favor of fresher content 


            Do whichever you think’ll work out for yoh


this message may be offensive
For those who care: 
          I’ve been pretty absent from this app for.. a few reasons. One of the main reasonings is that.. god, I’ve done so many cringy shit on this app that I cannot believe I did. Like, Jesus Christ. How was I ever like that. It isn’t everything on this app but like. Let’s just say everything I did from 2018 (maybe 2019) and backwards is just.. cringetopia for me. 
          With that being said, a part of me is glad that I can look back at those moments with embarrassment. It shows personal growth, I guess? I know what not to do next time. But even still.. ugh. Someone should’ve stopped me from doing 50% of the things I did on this app. 


            Well, a part of learning and growing is looking back and seeing cringe. It's kinda a part of life lol- its means you've grown! 


At least, anyone in my personal life 


@elaboratedreamer  Honestly. Same. If anyone that didn’t already know about this account knew about this suddenly, I swear, I might actually cry- 