
!!!! SPOILER !!!! hey babes...im really sorry if you dont like the ending i wrote it a few years ago and i didn't want it to end with a happy ending because i wanted it to be different so im really sorry if you guys were disappointed..i do love seeing all your comments though even if i dont respond i still read them..bye my loves and if you need anything im here ;)


yah! it made me cry but im not presurinh u our somethin but would you like to do a season 2? ill give an idea so when its keos bday tae goes to visit her grave and then she saw a woman walking around and then tae shouted "yn keo?? is t-that you or am i dreaming?" and as she turns he finds out it is really her and as keo says "im sorry i left you i just wanted you to be free from me and my temper and im really really sorry i faked my death..."


It made me cry 


!!!! SPOILER !!!! hey babes...im really sorry if you dont like the ending i wrote it a few years ago and i didn't want it to end with a happy ending because i wanted it to be different so im really sorry if you guys were disappointed..i do love seeing all your comments though even if i dont respond i still read them..bye my loves and if you need anything im here ;)


yah! it made me cry but im not presurinh u our somethin but would you like to do a season 2? ill give an idea so when its keos bday tae goes to visit her grave and then she saw a woman walking around and then tae shouted "yn keo?? is t-that you or am i dreaming?" and as she turns he finds out it is really her and as keo says "im sorry i left you i just wanted you to be free from me and my temper and im really really sorry i faked my death..."


It made me cry 