Hey YaoYao69! I really enjoyed your story and I was hoping if you could update please? I'm not trying to force you or anything it's just that you have a lot of talent when it comes to write so I just want you to continue. I know it's hard to update when you get writers block, especially when you get a little bit of votes but I'm sure that those people who do read you story really want you to update. 
          by the way I'm Tina! >♡<


@ANIMEISLIFE__ is it ever going to get updated again by any chance


@ANIMEISLIFE__ Oh wow! Thank you sooo much! I'm so sorry I haven't been updating (and sorry that I'm responding so late >///<). Truth be told I didn't think anyone was reading the junk I had up here, so I ended up forgetting all about it. I so sorry! But I promise I'll finish this one up and continue writing on wattpad if that's what you want. If even one person enjoys my stuff, I would be happy to keep writing ^u^