this message may be offensive
I don't think you know what you mean to me... I don't think you know what you mean to the world.. I lay here on my sleepless nights and ponder of what is weighing down your heavy heart even more. see people like us are already waited down by our internal sadness, so when we encounter a problem in life it rapidly makes us sink. I don't think you know what you mean to my heart, I sit here and listen to your pains and completely forget mine. this is simply because you are more important to me than anything else. Being an emotional person I give way too much some times, and that always gets me hurt. In this case I don't care if I get hurt enough to kill me, I will gladly take all of your pain. So please my dear friend, please realize with this just how important you are to me. I cant put how I feel into words perfectly, because lets face it im no good with words. my heart breaks to know you are hurt, it makes these miles between us feel even more cruel. Every time you say something of you hurting I wish that I could just hug you. Hug you and tell you it will be okay. How do I know this? Because darling I have been where you are, and I can assure you I WILL NOT let you sink any further.
~ I really hope you see this~
honestly this was probably the cheesiest thing you have ever seen... and I will also say my writing isn't that great but I am hopping and pleading to a higher power that these words bring you some type of solace. I am nothing but an extremely emotional person who is probably being mad annoying but still... I have these things I want you to know. so please don't give up on yourself, if you need someone to give up on, take it out on me.
(again im sorry for being so obnoxious)