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Hi!mind if I criticize your work?or probably just give an opinion or feedback.You just said you're an under rated writer that's fine I mean every writer starts with that.But I guess your mistakes in your story "My fallen angel"is because angels story isn't today's genre.You made an angel story on a very wrong time.Maybe because Gangsters and Mafia story catches the readers interest most.But if you really want to make your own path its cool.It just happened that your introduction doesn't piques the readers interest even the prologue.Don't take this seriously because its just my opinion.I'm not an author.I just write in my school's newspaper.Anyway you're awesome for making a new unique story its just the intro and prologue is kinda boring.You can ask some help to me if you want to or make a group.I mean some of my favourite books was made by a group of author.You can ask me as a reader what's wrong on you story (dont be shy to message me back) I wish this don't offend you.Toodles~~ :)