
Hi there, I am looking for potential young writers who are looking for a quiet place for their inspiration. The project is a co-living project, aimed to bring young people from around Europe, or the world if you are willing to relocate, to a safe, sustainable, dynamic, and youthful setting, in a small village in the north of Spain, called Sojuela.  If you are a young writer, and you are looking for a quiet place to develop and work on your art, I think you would love it here, I will leave the website below so that you can take a look yourself, and see if this suits your interests.  It could be a good opportunity for you, to get away from the noise of the city, and come to the countryside. And, if you are a wine lover, I am sure you will love this place, as it is the region of Spain's most savory wine, and it only costs 80 cents. https://www.manfredontour.es/en/co-living-sojuela-joven/ and this is the inscription form, feel free to use it, it would be a pleasure to hear from you https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd4UqQaB3_syhjMxmc848wrt9ygqSwt4obSXnqhXim2qJFUsA/viewform?vc=0&c=0&w=1&flr=0


Hi there, I am looking for potential young writers who are looking for a quiet place for their inspiration. The project is a co-living project, aimed to bring young people from around Europe, or the world if you are willing to relocate, to a safe, sustainable, dynamic, and youthful setting, in a small village in the north of Spain, called Sojuela.  If you are a young writer, and you are looking for a quiet place to develop and work on your art, I think you would love it here, I will leave the website below so that you can take a look yourself, and see if this suits your interests.  It could be a good opportunity for you, to get away from the noise of the city, and come to the countryside. And, if you are a wine lover, I am sure you will love this place, as it is the region of Spain's most savory wine, and it only costs 80 cents. https://www.manfredontour.es/en/co-living-sojuela-joven/ and this is the inscription form, feel free to use it, it would be a pleasure to hear from you https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd4UqQaB3_syhjMxmc848wrt9ygqSwt4obSXnqhXim2qJFUsA/viewform?vc=0&c=0&w=1&flr=0