
Goddammit what does a sponge need to do to get a mod that’s mentally stable, mfs be wildin send help


Alright bois I need some help, I need a link to the allmis chat server (one that doesn’t expire) and I want to know who the owner of it is if any of y’all know, those fuckers have been raiding my server constantly I want heads or at least a way to not start a petty raiding war over this, grant it I will but I want to see if I can stop it because I don’t know what I’ve done to piss these guys off 


@Yoboiiguess it's not you...it's some guy who's in your server who they want revenge on


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I won!
          I fucking did it bois, I got 100 members in my transformers rp server logic and cat can suck my fat shuttle cock because I fucking, I beat them
          It’s fuckin amazing dude, the shit post with the sponge Bob pfp finally won baby
          Special thanks to retro, the true homie
          Sharky, who despite never being in a proper rp server before was a better mod than a certain cat, 
          Reality for bumping the server while I was asleep
          Snazzy for sticking by me
          And just because I’m salty, a certain cat said that I was desperate, well her server died within two weeks so maybe she should try being desperate because it’s better than whatever the fuck she’s doing 


@LuluistPsychotic I hope you have a good day to : )


@Yoboiiguess, Of course, no problem at all, You worked hard for it you deserve it. 
            I'm sorry they treated you like that, its not fair, Holding onto the past, Can lead to many things, I Honestly don't like Logic, He's always seemed way too Snotty and a little more Bratty, I hope things get better to the point you won't have to look back on that stuff, I will say. Pettiness, Won't get much. But I can completely understand. Again Congratulations on the 100 Members, You got them, You did good. I hope it thrives well and I hope you have a good rest of your day. 


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@LuluistPsychotic first off thank you. 
            And you see, before you joined old guard logic acted really fucking snotty to me, like he acted like he was superior and I’m not gonna take that, I’m a shit poster but I’m not stupid. He said after I had said I would battle his megatron thing with counter bullshit that “I (logic) can manage.” And with cat, she called me desperate and talked mad shit about me to retro and fucked me over (we agreed to give up on our servers and make a new server together, so I let my server die, she didn’t, then she left it, and the people in her own server raided her it was that fucking bad) and I am a petty little shit. So I wanted revenge, and I got something neither of them will get and I have solid undeniable proof that I am better than them at owning a server which was the goal, now I just gotta end the storyline 


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Bruh imagine being so goddamn desperate that your life has boiled down to having to talk shit about someone who spent roughly three hundred hours on your server to someone who you don’t know the gender of about said person who has a fucking sponge Bob pfp. That’s called rock bottom of being a fucking loser, like bro don’t talk shit behind someone’s back. I don’t do it basically at all, shit allow me to fix that, I’ve done it twice on discord, I’ve said that I don’t like how lunar said she used to be bad but is now good and I said that cherry didn’t handle the assassin situation well, oh well. I still love both of y’all and yeah you’ve done some things I didn’t like but you all are still great people as far as I know and I love y’all, I know y’all don’t like things about me that’s fine, but the different is you two have never fucked me over, also other thank that I’ve never said things about y’all behind your backs because I’m not a piece of shit. To finish my rank this feline called me desperate, well my desperation made the second biggest transformers Erp server of 2021 and made my server do better than her server which was “normal” so she can suckoma deez nutz cause I’m a tucking horrible server owner, cherry and mangopython are way fucking better than I am, but I’m still better than feline and I actually thank my staff unlike her


@Angelic-Sweet dont talk about yourself that way your a great friend as far as I’m concerned and all is forgiven, I don’t think there’s anything you need to be sorry for though : )


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@Yoboiiguess I don't know what else to say accept thanks and I'm sorry. I'm admin in too many fucking servers, that I need to leave because I'm not active in them, that honestly I haven't been the greatest friend. I'm sorry.


@Yoboiiguess, I understand. And if that's what you wanna do, go for it. Nothing wrong with it at all. Somethings happen.


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Ima be real bois, I didn’t get myself in a good situation, the milk, the milk is empty, I drunk it all, and by that I mean I fucked my self. You see I met an old friend and we decided to make a server together, and I completely sacrificed my server in order to make that server as active as possible and so I could pay attention to it, my partner and fellow owner didn’t. The servers doing well, a lot of younger people have joined it so it’s a bit to handle and my fellow owner decided to fuck off and take a break from it leaving the server which is supposed to be both of ours equally to myself. And now I feel trapped because there’s three options I can do.
          I can continue working on a server thats essentially mine but the mod staff is horrible and id have to do everything.
          I can forsake that server and have my friend get mad at me and say fuck em and try to bring back my dead server which without the other person involved I like that server a lot more
          Or I can just fuck off and stop making transformers rp servers because I’ll be honest I really don’t enjoy doing it anymore and I’ve started to realize most people in this community are selfish as shit. I don’t know what to do it’s a lose situation in every way shape and form do y’all have an advice?


@Yoboiiguess the only advice I can give you is; 
            1. Get helpful, kind, and friendly staff.  
            2. Partner with servers. 
            3. Work on really fun and exciting events.
            4. Work on an exciting and interesting lore. (Optional step, idk if it actually works its just something a friend from Transformers: Dark Fate told me.)
            Tell me to bugger off if this sounds stupid, it probably is. I haven't had even one successful server because I've no idea what I'm doing.


Bois I just realized,
          This is the one year anniversary of me rping transformers 
          I joined the Transformers rp server (I’m pretty fuckin sure when I joined that was what it was called) on October the 5th and I had my first transformers rp two days later which is the seventh, exactly one year ago.
          Les go bois, one year worth of time wasted/or used having fun depending on how you look at it 


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Bois, I have great news. 
          After my epic four month journey of getting milk, I have finally gotten some milk, and the good shit, not that water one percent milk, not even two percent, Naw, vitamin D milk or whatever the fuck it’s called. 
          Now you may ask, Yoboi, what the fuck are you saying