@Shaolongbestboy hey, it's been a really long time I have to admit. I just finished my semester break after my AS levels the past two months I think, and I just got the results yesterday. It's been a little stressful haha, but I think I can manage well enough so far, and I got a satisfying results too. Thank you for your concern, I really appreciate it.
You're right, the fandom has been really silent, sometimes I still go back to find something worthwhile in between breaks, but then I'd return to my current fandom disappointed. To begin with, there aren't a lot of fics under prince series, much less ones that had my favourite characters.
I've been thinking about discontinuing a lot, especially because I've started a new big fic on ao3 under stray kids fandom, but I'm still thinking and trying to write as I go by to see if I could still help it. Not gonna lie, every time I reread my own story, I feel the need to know how it ends despite knowing that I have to write it on my own. Hopefully once my grades are more stable, I can return. Don't get your hopes too high though huhu