I want to thank my supporters!! I have read your messages :) and the readers of Michael and Troye, 300 views, what one day I though was only just an idea. Thank you all, I love you all!!
I want to thank my supporters!! I have read your messages :) and the readers of Michael and Troye, 300 views, what one day I though was only just an idea. Thank you all, I love you all!!
I still don't have electrical power in the area I live, and had to go to a mall with wifi to update my story, I couldn't hold myself XD
I edited every single chapter in this 50 to 60 days without energy and wrote up to chapter 13 but today I only have in my phone chapter 10 and 11... in my computer I have 12 and 13... but still! I have the edited parts!
Secondly, but not less importantly, I have updated all chapters :) in home, when I get Internet again I'll be posting all the chapters. That's a special sometin'sometin. Love you all guys *kisses*
I'm sorry to say that due to Hurricane Maria striking my home land Puerto Rico I will not be updating Michael and Troye. I do not have Internet nor WiFi due to all the communications here in the island being destroyed. When I come back (I think in two months max.) I'll update regularly, thank you for keeping up with me, I love you guys.