Alright, so I feel like i've been drifting away from wattpad lately. You deserver an explanation as to why I haven't been myself. I'm under a lot of stress. My sleeping schedule is out of wack and I can't seem to get it back on track. I'm having to go through a lot of major life choices as well seeing as I'll be 16 soon. I will not be treated as a child any longer and I will be given one chance to complete many things, failure to do so will be devastation. I've also had zero face to face social contact with anyone but family for almost a year now, so I've developed a bit of depression and major anxiety. I don't have the initiative to do much of anything now and that's caused my grades to suffer. This is not good at all, seeing as I will be sent off to a military school if I get anything lower than a high C on my grades. I'm under a lot of pressure and I can only see my therapist once in a blue moon so that's no help. I don't talk to people about these things because it will worry them and they have their own problems, I do not wish to bother them with mine. You may be angered at that, but that's how I think and feel. I figured this would be an ok way to get a few things off my chest and explain my faded appearance. I will try to get back into the Swing of wattpad, but it may not happen immediately.