Just saw this girl on YouTube faking ADHD. Girl was really THAT desperate that she faked one of the MOST COMMON DISABILITYS. As someone with adhd myself I am absolutely appalled by this. I will not say who she was for her privacy because she is probably already facing TONS of criticism all around the internet BUT BOY DO I WANT TO! And incase I didn't already make it clear I do NOT condone faking any disorders or mental illnesses.
Just saw this girl on YouTube faking ADHD. Girl was really THAT desperate that she faked one of the MOST COMMON DISABILITYS. As someone with adhd myself I am absolutely appalled by this. I will not say who she was for her privacy because she is probably already facing TONS of criticism all around the internet BUT BOY DO I WANT TO! And incase I didn't already make it clear I do NOT condone faking any disorders or mental illnesses.
Ok but like I saw the notification that you followed me. Clicked on it. And had a heartattack because you have the same last name and initials as my CHRISTIAN STUDIES TEACHER. stopped having a heart attack because there is no way this is the same in person. (What kind of Christian studies teacher is into mha?it ruins to much innocence) proceeds to write this convo and follow you back