
Hey guys! I really appreciate the votes and follows but I can't see them because of the notifications sending me that a book I'm reading has been updated so I can't thank ya'll personally but I thank some of the ones I saw. But anyway! Xie xie! Arigato! Thanks! Thank you soooo much my sweets! 


Hey guys! I really appreciate the votes and follows but I can't see them because of the notifications sending me that a book I'm reading has been updated so I can't thank ya'll personally but I thank some of the ones I saw. But anyway! Xie xie! Arigato! Thanks! Thank you soooo much my sweets! 


So...hey guys :)
          I'm kinda bombared with notifications that says that a book I'm reading has been updated, and some notifications I can't see are the follows or personal notifications.
          I see that some guys have followed me but I can't thank them personally so I'm gonna say it here cause I can't see their notification so...
          Thank you to whom ever followed me that I can't thank personally [^=^]