
Change of plan:
          	I'm taking a break from writing 'I Am The Clone' cos I miss writing full on fantasy stuff :'(  (I'm a deprived child.)
          	So yeah, sorry if anyone was really excited about 'I Am The Clone' but that's not happening again for a while.
          	- Vivid :P


Change of plan:
          I'm taking a break from writing 'I Am The Clone' cos I miss writing full on fantasy stuff :'(  (I'm a deprived child.)
          So yeah, sorry if anyone was really excited about 'I Am The Clone' but that's not happening again for a while.
          - Vivid :P


this message may be offensive
Greetings Followers, I bring news.
          …Well, not news per say. It's more an announcement that applies more to me and then there's a little bit of a plea that follows.
          Ah-hem! *clears throat dramatically*
          OK, so I have set myself a deadline for finishing 'I Am The Clone' that ends, at the latest, at midnight of September 15th, cos then it's my birthday on the 16th and I don't really want to be stressing about writing then.
          Right, now the plea: I'd really appreciate any feedback on 'I Am The Clone', seriously, you can write "this is shit dafuq you writing", except maybe add why you think it's shit. That's more helpful.
          And I'm thinking imma change the title cos I don't really like it, so if any of you have any suggestions, be sure to put them forward.
          AND, as always please, please, please VOTE.
          I'll give you tea. Or coffee. Look, I might even have some cake. Or I could do commission type-things, like I'll ask "what you want me to write?" and you can say "a unicorn brushing his teeth" and I'll write it.
          Ooh. That sounds fun. Can we do that?
          Anyway, keep your keyboards shiny and your pens inked, may the Block leave you in peace.
          - Vivid :P


I just want you all to know that I pretty much cried writing 'Death' (I Am The Clone).
          I just burst out "I'm a murderer!" and I feel terrible.
          I feel emotionally drained. I hate writing death scenes.
          Please comment on what you think and vote if you liked it. Or if you just bawled after reading it. Both is good.


Being all too familiar with the difficulty of finding ideas or knowing how to start off a piece of writing, I wonder if any of you would like me to post some ideas, prompts or maybe the homeworks from my creative writing club?
          If you would like me to do so, comment on one of my works ;)


Actually, you could just reply here :P


Dear You,
          I have said before that it is unlikely that I will carry on stories on here --it's not that I don't want to it's just that it never happens-- so this is really more of an Idea Dump.
          Aaaaand I've decided that if people are really, really, especially nice to me (and give me marshmallows and book vouchers) I might let some devoted people have my story ideas, so long as they tag everything back to me and state that it was my original idea.
          Also, I'm *almost* always up for collabs, so be sure to comment and/or message me if you wish for any of these things to happen.
          - Vivid :P


I know that I have never made promises to complete all of my works, and that may frustrate many of you but the thing is that I often leave my best ideas for ages and ages until coming back to them, as I just have so many writing whims and ideas and I just…CAN'T…STOP! Therefore, I may begin all sorts of random scenes and stuff and obviously I'd still greatly appreciate any feedback you can give and I definitely appreciate reads and votes. I am, however, still not promising that I will finish everything.


As 'tis the season to be …writing… I'm tagging @StolenSight, @AlbinoCactus and @FrazyPie_Pumpkin123 to join me in celebrating the time of Yule by writing a short piece of fiction with a Christmas theme. (Others of you can do this, too, if you want)
          - The piece of writing can be a short story, a fan fiction, even a scene or a poem but it HAS TO BE CHRISTMAS-THEMED!
          - The absolute, definite, uttermost deadline for this is 25th December, which is when you must publish your creation, finished or not, on your Wattpad for all of us to read!
          Go forth, and write for Christmas!


@VividDreams ok, I'll stop one of my fanfics just for u bae!


I've decide I'm going to update Ragnarok once a week! Yay!
          As for those of you who have been reading my TDOTL fan fiction, I don't know when I'll update new chapters of that but I believe I will eventually.
          Thank you for your attention citizens
          - VividDreams :P