He picked up Mipha’s body first, placing her on the floor, her hands clasped together in a peaceful position. He then had no choice but to roll Daruk into position, putting his hands together too. He then went for Urbosa, her slim body going next to Daruk. Then Revali. His eyes were open, so Link gently closed them and carried him next to Mipha.
Finally, he picked up Zelda, and placed her in the middle, her hair spread out. He kissed her cheek before grabbing the Hyrule Royal Banister from the wall and placing it over the group.
It was an old tradition to honour fallen allies or soldiers who had fought valiantly. He fell to his knees and sobbed. He couldn’t stop hearing Zelda’s gasps for air, Urbosa’s grunting, Daruk loud roars of pain, Mipha’s cries, and Revali’s screams.
How did it come to this?