
He picked up Mipha’s body first, placing her on the floor, her hands clasped together in a peaceful position. He then had no choice but to roll Daruk into position, putting his hands together too. He then went for Urbosa, her slim body going next to Daruk. Then Revali. His eyes were open, so Link gently closed them and carried him next to Mipha. 
          	Finally, he picked up Zelda, and placed her in the middle, her hair spread out. He kissed her cheek before grabbing the Hyrule Royal Banister from the wall and placing it over the group. 
          	It was an old tradition to honour fallen allies or soldiers who had fought valiantly. He fell to his knees and sobbed. He couldn’t stop hearing Zelda’s gasps for air, Urbosa’s grunting, Daruk loud roars of pain, Mipha’s cries, and Revali’s screams. 
          	How did it come to this?


He picked up Mipha’s body first, placing her on the floor, her hands clasped together in a peaceful position. He then had no choice but to roll Daruk into position, putting his hands together too. He then went for Urbosa, her slim body going next to Daruk. Then Revali. His eyes were open, so Link gently closed them and carried him next to Mipha. 
          Finally, he picked up Zelda, and placed her in the middle, her hair spread out. He kissed her cheek before grabbing the Hyrule Royal Banister from the wall and placing it over the group. 
          It was an old tradition to honour fallen allies or soldiers who had fought valiantly. He fell to his knees and sobbed. He couldn’t stop hearing Zelda’s gasps for air, Urbosa’s grunting, Daruk loud roars of pain, Mipha’s cries, and Revali’s screams. 
          How did it come to this?


Have any of you played Age of Calamity? If so, you know in BotW and TotK, when you were fighting a boss, a huge health bar would appear? How do you get that (like with strong enemies) in Age of Calamity? I know you can, cause I’ve seen it. I can target them, but that’s it. It’s just the tiny red bar above their heads


Daruk: *On duty, in the middle of nowhere with no bushes* I need to go to the bathroom…I have t been in 12 hours.
          Mipha: I haven’t been in 15 hours.
          Urbosa: I haven’t been in 20.
          Revali: I haven’t been in 25 hours.
          Zelda: WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU ALL?


@Kea_Starfire Just a little lol. If someone said they hadn’t been in any of those times, I’d be so worried 


@Zelda_Story_Teller *wheezes* They a little crazy.


10 (In order) fictional deaths that made me cry real tears. 
          10. Finnick Odair (HG) - He didn’t deserve to die
          9. Wiress - (HG) She was a remarkable woman and her death absolutely broke me. 
          8. Royce Hemlock (SW) - Don’t ask. 
          7. Primrose Everdeen (HG) - She was like what? 13? I think? Truly heartbreaking. 
          6. Mineru (TLoZ) - Mineru was so kind and what a great guide for Zelda…her death was sad but when her spirit has finally done her job, then when she fades away, I cried. 
          5. Sonia (TLoZ) - She was WAYYYY too kind. She’s like so mother right now. 
          4. Mipha (TLoZ) - She was only—in human years—17…and she was so kind and truly did not deserve to die. 
          3. Link (TLoZ) - BOTW FINAL MEMORY we’re taking about. The way he gives Zelda the ‘I’ve failed you’ look absolutely made me cry, and she sobs over his body…wahhhhhhhhh. 
          2. Revali (TLoZ) - It has taken me 7 years to give him recognition that he’s more than a jerk. He was 21 (17 in my books) when he died and his fight was kinda unfair. He couldn’t freaking see. Considering he still had spots on his cheeks meant he was still a kid in Rito Years. When I looked into it, I genuinely cried. 
          1…TECH (SW) - I had never truly cried so much over a fictional character’s death until then. The way it was executed and his last words…wow. I just…cried so hard then. 


@Some_RandomBookworm ohh. Yeah. He definitely doesn’t look like a kid


@Zelda_Story_Teller yeah I’m not saying he isn’t a child I’m js saying that’s not something I would’ve guessed!!


I’m sorry, judge me all you like but Barbie (the recent stuff) and Frozen are my comfort tv stuff




Barbie is my favorite movie of all time and Frozen gives me literal chills during Let It Go from how good it is, so I totally get it


Hey guys, I’m pretty sick. I’m struggling to keep food down all day, I have a really sore throat, and I’m so cold all the time even tho my body is hot


@Zelda_Story_Teller feel better soon! Hope you get well!


@GeminiRose22 Oh my gosh, thank you. I’ll try it. I did take Dimetap for the coughing and it helped so much, but I’ll try those!


I’m so sorry you’re feeling sick. You know, based on what symptoms you’ve shared, I think you should have a cup of ginger tea or chamomile tea. Ginger, I know can help with the stomach, and chamomile is great for a sorr throat. Peppermint tea might work well too. Any of those three with a little honey should be very helpful.


The tale from The Blood Moon Rises Once Again. Every Zelda starts with a legend soooo, it will be featured in Chapter 1
          This is only half of it lol.
          “When it was time to battle him, we underestimated Hemlock’s power. He somehow turned the Guardians against us. The Champions lost their lives when he took over the Divine Beasts,” The King said. “You protected Zelda until the end…until you died and were taken to the Shrine of Resurrection.”
          “Zelda bravely went to the castle and sacrificed herself to holding Hemlock at bay. If he breaks free, this kingdom is done for. That voice you’ve been hearing is my daughter’s…Zelda. I thought it not wise to overwhelm you while your memory was still fragile, so I assumed a temporary form of an old man. Considering I failed my own Kingdom, I have no right to ask this of you Link, but I am powerless here. You must save her…my daughter…and do whatever it takes to annihilate Hemlock. Please…this is my plea. I hope you can respect that I have done all I can…it is now up to you Link. Head to Kakariko Village in the east. Follow the road and pass the summit of the twin peaks then head north. There, Impa can answer any questions you may have.”