
My return is not imminent but that which my Lord set me out to pursue. 


Salaam Walaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuhu. May peace and blessings be upon you all. 
          It has come to light recently the disturbing and heartbreaking events that have ensued in Myanmar. The Rohingya people are being persecuted, shamed and annihilated as we speak. Now this has not suddenly occurred but a process that has been cycling for almost 40 years. Statistically, over 270,000 Rohingya have fled in the past 2 weeks since the violence has increased against them and possibly millions have died since the genocide began. 
          My question to all of you now is, what have we done? Where is our humanity? Where is our solidarity? Remove the characteristic that these are Muslims and deconstruct them down to their simplest form; a human being. Are we not all human beings? Are they not your brothers and sisters in humanity? The Rohingya are the most persecuted group in the world. Does that fact not faze you? 
          No country has bat an eyelash in Rohingya's direction! The neighbouring countries have turned their backs such as the likes of Bangladesh, Indonesia, Malaysia and Thailand. The only country to in fact offer any form of aid is Turkey. 
          So how can we help? By raising awareness. Please whether it is written or verbally do not let the face or terrorism win. If we can change our Facebook statuses for every other tragic event that has transpired then as a human being can we not raise awareness another human being? Do not let the shackles of illusion chain you! Do not let your fellow human beings be treated like cannon fodder! We are not cattle! We are humans! The most beautiful of creation to be developed and we cannot let our humanity go to waste. 
          May God bless all of you and may He help the Rohingya see a better tomorrow. 
          Jazakullah khair. 




I just saw this reply xD smh fortunately, I've recently changed it xD 


Greetings! I must say I do like your profile picture. The style and standard is similar to that of Koe No Katachi. 


I seem to have grown taller... 


Congratulations. @heartfulness
             Thank you, Rave. May I ask how tall you are? @_Raveryne_ 
            I highly doubt my height shall develop any further. So you needn't fret. @-AKMO- 


@Zen_Warrior pls stop growing _|_ cuz I don't want you being taller than me e.e 


@_Raveryne_ rav you're a small man so keep quiet xD 


Happy Birthday Khalid Bhai Jan and Happy New Year too! <3
          Thank you for being such a beautiful and a strong individual and inspiration for so many of us here. 
          *hugs you and gives you a thousand thank you notes* 
          Have fun, Bhai Jan. May you have a beautiful and a lovely year ahead with the Lord blessing you in his grace and warmth and may you keep spreading positivity and the message of Love of God everywhere and also, keep touching hearts of beautiful people with your iridescence personality. 
          Love always,


Thanks Khalid, and I hope you all the eternal sunshine. 


Greetings Kashish.
            First and foremost, I hope you are in best state of health and wellbeing. 
            Secondly, thank you very much for this heartfelt message. Forgive my tardiness  sadly my punctuality correlates with Adam's brain; practically nonexistent. 
            May you be blessed with health and wisdom tenfolds. I am grateful we have interacted and thankful you see me as a friend and brother. 
            And I can rely on you as a friend and sister. 
            May God give you everlasting peace. 