Why Orangetheinkling is a bad person- 1. Stealing and Tracing Art She’s stolen other people’s art without giving them credit. When you take someone else’s work and say it's yours, it hurts the artist who put so much time and effort into it. She also traced the artwork of an artist named Kira Vera, which shows how little respect she has for other people's creative effort. 2. Claiming Others' Characters as Her Own She pretended that the orange inkling from Splatoon was her own character. It’s one thing to enjoy a character, but to claim it as your own is wrong and shows she has no respect for original creators. 3. Making Death Threats She’s made death threats toward others. When someone does that, it’s not just an empty threat—it’s a sign of how much cruelty they’re willing to inflict on others for no reason. 4. Using Her Grandfather’s Passing to Gain Attention When her grandfather passed away, she used that as an excuse to get attention, even though it seemed like she didn’t really care about the loss. It’s insensitive and manipulative to use something so painful just to get sympathy. 5. Pretending to Be Bullied She created a fake account called 'Dino Girl Gauko' and acted like she was bullying herself. That’s a really messed-up thing to do because it makes people feel like they can’t trust what’s real or not.