
I keep on having to delete the comments and mute bots that are spamming my books' comment section with links to who knows what. 
          	I hate people who do this. A creator's content is for other people to enjoy. Not a free ticket for greedy and lazy bastards to flash profile pictures of them in little to no clothes and try to drag in people through sexualizing themselves in hopes of a gain in money and attention through spamming in someone else's content.
          	If anyone finds a link from a profile with a women wearing little clothing in the comment section of any of my books do not click on it! I don't know where it leads but it can't be anywhere good. 
          	I'll keep deleting them so that they can't continue to use my acounts works for their own disgusting plans and gain but it can take a little bit of time for me to check my notifications. If you find one under any of my stories do not click on any links they post and don't hesitate to let me know.


Is Dream smp as warrior cats discontinued?


@GhostWhisper_  In a way yes it is. With all this other stuff going on In my life I haven't actually touched any of the books in a good amount of time. I only really still come back to my account to see how people are enjoying my stories. Also I did mostly drop of the Dream SMP fanfom last year and haven't gotten back into it.
            I won't say I'll never come back to the Dream smp as warrior cats. Maybe one day I will but for now I have all this other stuff in my life that I would rather enjoy and succeed in.
            So instead let's say I'm willing to let others come up with their own endings for the third book, because there is no certainty I'll ever finish it.


I keep on having to delete the comments and mute bots that are spamming my books' comment section with links to who knows what. 
          I hate people who do this. A creator's content is for other people to enjoy. Not a free ticket for greedy and lazy bastards to flash profile pictures of them in little to no clothes and try to drag in people through sexualizing themselves in hopes of a gain in money and attention through spamming in someone else's content.
          If anyone finds a link from a profile with a women wearing little clothing in the comment section of any of my books do not click on it! I don't know where it leads but it can't be anywhere good. 
          I'll keep deleting them so that they can't continue to use my acounts works for their own disgusting plans and gain but it can take a little bit of time for me to check my notifications. If you find one under any of my stories do not click on any links they post and don't hesitate to let me know.


What a way to get up in the morning . . . 
          My brother ran into my room while I was just chilling on bed and dumped five baby wild rabbits on it. Four of them immediately started burrowing into my blankets and the fifth one jumped off the bed and hid underneath causing my brother and one of my parents to start a massive search through my room that included moving my bed and pulling out mu draws cause it kept moving. Meanwhile I had to gather up the four in my bed and tuck them in a blanket. 
          They're all okay. It's a cute way to wake up but bro I just wanted to rest and now I have to clean my room.


I'm sure something will happen. Exciting and cool things happen to everyone. It's just recognising those things that make your life more interesting. For me that was more of a minor inconvenience than an event.


Guys this is really important to me and the potential future of New Zealand so please listen. Jacinda Ardern is trying to close our only oil refinery in the country. That refinery is our countries insurance for a natural disaster or international conflicts ( Such as a war ) when we can't rely on imported fuels. I know the world is aiming for a greener planet but this oil refinery is one of our stops in the face of a crisis. As long as it runs, during a crisis we will still be able to deliver fuel to emergency and rescue services, produce and deliver food and maintain transport for air and sea. 
          Please help me and sign the petition


Im not sure if I should be sharing this but I was in the live chat of That Vegan Teacher's latest video talking about alternative methods to improving the agricultural industry without going vegan and destroying the industry and costing thousands of people's their jobs, home a and livelihoods. I kept on bringing up the Wiltshire sheep, a species of sheep that shed their wool, and that farmers in our area are considering breeding into them so that they don't have to shear sheep anymore and how these sorts of changes can improve the industry rather than blatantly destroying it. And I apparently annoyed her enough because she directly responded to me TWICE, calling me an exploiter and then preventing me from speaking on the live chat anymore. So instead I took to spamming her comment section. 
          So I would just like to say. . .How is it exploiting an animal by picking up the wool it sheds and using / selling it for clothing purposes when they deliberately have it in their genes to shed the wool when they finsh growing it? The whole point of me talking about Wiltshire sheep was to let people learn alternative ways of promoting and making change, so she decided to opress me because I wasn't screaming at others to "Be vegan" but rather giving the people she wants to control another option. 
          I'm annoyed, but also kind of proud since it's hard to get that ladie's attention and annoy her enough to get a response and I managed it twice. 
          I'm gonna keep fighting for good farms and spread the message about alternative options to going vegan. But I thought that this needed to be put out there. 


Just for anyone who might know me from my YouTube channel I'd just like to make sure you know that as of currently I've taken down most of my videos for personal reasons. Please respect my decision and sorry if you liked any of my content, but I'd been thinking of doing this for a long time now and I finally got the courage to do so. 
          A few of them are still up for you to enjoy, but they might come down one day too. 
          Sorry again.


I did mention in one of my stories that updates were going to be a lot less frequent during  school terms and I feel I just need to say that expect updates to be even slower than I previously warned. Schoolwork is stressing me and I have zero motivation for anything right now including that. Which means if I'm on Wattpad I'll most likely be reading story updates and trying to find something to calm me down. 
          Sorry for the inconvenience.


            Man juggling school and writing is a pain :D but good luck, prioritize school cuz you only get one chance at it 


Sorry to hear that, work well at school and your stories @ZinzellaCherry