
          	I know he isn't perfect, none of the demigods are, I was just in the fangirl moment when I was writing it :)  I totally agree with you :3


@xInfinite_Fireheartx I live in the Seattle Washington area so I stick with home, so that would be the sounders :) how about you?


@Zue_Zue FC Barcelona all the way!!!!! I really don't like luis Suarez tho..... I think the Italian defender should have sued him for cannibalism lol


@xInfinite_Fireheartx yes! I really do love CALEO but once BOO came out I fell in love with solangelo plus CALEO happened so solangelo kind of out did it for me. With the page of eltrical spark between the the two? I actually fell of my couch and screamed. I have issues... :)


@Zue_Zue I started doing a happy dance and sang "my baby's growing up!!" Now that's weird. Who's your fave soccer team?


@MissingMyAngel222 OF COURSE! Any friend of CALEO is a friend of mine ;)